Biserica Baptista Privegherea |
Data infiintarii: |
Pastor: Dragomir Iosif |
Telefon: 021-223-9382 |
eMail: |
Sait: |
Adresa: Str. Chilioara 18, Sector 3 |
Program: |
Biserica Baptista Privegherea |
Data infiintarii: |
Pastor: Dragomir Iosif |
Telefon: 021-223-9382 |
eMail: |
Sait: |
Adresa: Str. Chilioara 18, Sector 3 |
Program: |
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I was searching for help for a friend in Bucharest. This friend had been put out on the street and needed a temporary place to stay. Unfortunately this Church does not help people like this.
Maybe the pastor should preach a sermon on Matthew 25:31-46